Dr. Juba Watts-Cain
Hugs From Dr. Pratt (Anatomy & Physiology Instructor)
Hugs From Dr. Pratt (Anatomy & Physiology Instructor)
Dr. Watts- Cain's Cheering Section
Dr. Watts- Cain's Cheering Section
With My Happy Mom
With My Happy Mom
Dr. Watts-Cain With Mother & Father
Dr. Watts-Cain With Mother & Father
With "Other Mother", Dr. Maxine Hankins Cain
With "Other Mother", Dr. Maxine Hankins Cain
Dr. Ronald Bishop(Clinical Instructor) With His Wife
Dr. Ronald Bishop(Clinical Instructor) With His Wife
Site of Dr. Watts - Cain's  Reception
Site of Dr. Watts - Cain's Reception
Cousin Marsha
Cousin Marsha
Aunt Emma
Aunt Emma
With My Brother Asante
With My Brother Asante
Dr. Cain With High Schoolmate & Civil Rights Icon, Mamie King Chalmers
Dr. Cain With High Schoolmate & Civil Rights Icon, Mamie King Chalmers
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