Morning prayer
Singing The Nation's Anthem
Roll Call
Maxine Greeting The Students
Receiving Morning Instructions
A visit with the Aids social worker
Learning By The Light of Day
Recess Entertainment
Choir Rehearsal
Choir rehearsal
A visit to Dudu's family
Dudu's Nieces
Social Dance Class
Maxine swinging with students in social dance class
The affable water bearers
On Punishment But Having Fun
Recess Fun
Having Fun With New Friends
Having Fun With New Friends
Eugene meeting with new teachers
Maxine hanging with her new friends
Campus beautification project team
Getting water from the well
Choir rehearsal
Choir rehearsal
Maxine meets new teacher friends
Dudu & Maxine with school principal
Choir rehearsal
Maxine learning a popular Zulu dance
View of the neighborhood
Cattle crossing near the school
Principal of one of South Africa's top Performing high schools
This family hosted us for dinner
This family hosted us for dinner
We came to see the Black Americans